
品牌 壳牌 API级别 SM 粘度等级 5W-40 适用类型 轿车 整箱批发 4l/桶 4桶/箱 壳牌超凡喜力 全合成润滑油。清洁并保护引擎,令其处于状态,体验完美驾驶感受。 它特别适用于高性能的现代汽油引擎,即装配有催化转换器的燃油喷射式引 擎 壳牌超凡喜力 规格:满足众多,详情请参见产品标签。 壳牌超凡喜力有多种粘度型号可供选择,为爱车提供适合的清洁保护。 法拉利、奔驰、宝马、大众、保时捷、通用、雷诺、三菱、斯柯达等厂商大 力推荐或认证。 功能优势 产品特点 壳牌的动力清洁技术 不间断清除引擎上的沉积物,为引擎提供保护 长效抗氧化稳定性 比其它接受测试的领先全合成油品,保护性能更优37% 粘度低、流动快、摩擦系数小 燃油利用率更高、冷启动更容易 超强剪切稳定性 油品粘度持久稳定,为引擎提供长久保护 精选合成基础油 有效控制油品挥发,降低油品消耗,避免频繁添加 shellhelixultra maximumenginecleansingforperformancemotoring refreshingandprotectingyourcar shellhelixultraisapremium,fullysyntheticmotorscientificallyformulatedwithultimate activecleansingtechnology.itworkshardertoprotectthanconventionalmotoroilsby continuouslypreventingdirtandsludgebuild-up.forbetterresponsivenessandimproved performance,enablingyourenginetooperateatitsfullpotentialrightuptothenextoil change.shellhelixultraminimisesenginenoise,andconditionsandprotectsengines fromtheextrastressesofdrivinginmodernstart–stoptrafficconditions.shellhelixultra isforperformancemotoring,anditrejuvenatesandrefreshesyourengine.shellhelix ultraistheonlymotoroilrecommendedbyferrari. applications fuel-injected vehicles fitted with "blow-by"recirculation and catalytic converters operating in all driving conditions. performance features maximum engine clean upactively and continuously lock away harmful dirt and deposits. ultimate protectionin all driving conditions laboratory testedextensively tested and proven by shell technologists and independent laboratories (swri, usa) formula 1 technologyproved at racetracks throughout the world. catalyst and turbo compatibleexceeds industry standards fuel efficientlow viscosity, rapid oil flow and low friction effectively contribute towards reducing fuel consumption extremely low chlorine contentmeets environmental re high shear stabilityto maintain viscosity and stay in grade. trade-up informationshell helix ultra offers up to 46% more protectionfrom oil degradation and up to 126% more shear stability than shell helix hx7, so why not persuade your customers to trade up? five times as effective as shell helix hx3 at removing sludge from dirty gasoline engines. competitor benchmarkingshell helix ultra offers up to 36% more protection than other leading brands tested. health & safetyshell helix ultra is unlikely to present any significant health or safety hazard when properly used in the recommended application, and good standards of industrial and personal hygiene are maintained. avoid contact with skin. use impervious gloves with used oil. after skin contact, wash immediately with soap and water. for further guidance on product health & safety refer to the appropriate shell product safety data sheet. protect the environmenttake used oil to an authorised collection point. do not discharge into drains, soil or water. adviceadvice on applications not covered in this leaflet may be obtained from your shell representative. specificationsandapprovals shellhelixultra 5w-40 api sm/cf acea a3/b3/b4 vw 502.00 505.00 503.01 mercedesbenz 229.5 bmw ll-01 otherapprovals/ registrations porschea40 ferrari fiat(meetsthe reof) 9.55535z2 renault rn0700& 0710 shellhelixultra5w-30meetstheenginetestreofapism. typicalphysicalcharacteristics shellhelixultra 5w-40 saeviscositygrade 5w-40 kinematicviscosity(ip71) @40°ccst @100°ccst 74.4 13.1 density@15°c(ip365)kg/l 0.84 flashpoint(ip34)°c 215 pourpoint(ip15)°c -39 hthsviscosity@150°cmpas 3.68 官方网址:_services/on_the_road/oils_lubricants/shell_helix/
